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What is an Atmospheric Water Generator

Atmospheric Water Generators take humidity from the air and convert it to pure drinking water.
Have you ever taken a cool glass of water outside on a hot day and notice drops of water on the side of the glass?  In a nutshell, that’s how an atmospheric water generator works – just on a much larger and more efficient scale.
The water is then collected and put through a 5 stage filtration process, providing you with pure drinking water.  With all of the chemicals and nasty bits taken out.

Where should I put an AWG?

Place it in a room where there is the most humidity. A kitchen is normally best as it is humid and convenient to grab a drink! Otherwise the bathroom or the laundry (especially when running a dryer). Atmospheric Water Generators work well with air conditioned rooms however it is advised to place the unit near a window and open the window at night for air flow. We were amazed at how quickly the room humidity (less so temperature) increased with an open window.

How much does an atmospheric water generator cost?

Atmospheric Water Generators usually start from around $2000 for a 15 litre base model. The most popular 30 litre model starts from around $3000 delivered. 60 litre from around $5500. 100L around $13000.

How long do atmospheric water generators last?

Its possible for an Atmospheric Water Generator to last 15+ years. Like fridges, its whether they are serviced and how long the compressor lasts. We provide replacement compressors for each model – thus its possible for the AWG’s to last past 15 years. Please note: that the filters need changing regularly to keep the water fresh and keep the unit at its best.

Where can I look at an Airqua® Atmospheric Water Generator?

Our units are on display at Unit 6, 79 Memorial Drive Eumundi, QLD, 4562

How much power does an atmospheric water generator use?

Airqua Atmospheric Water Generators are quite energy efficient. The 30L runs on 375W (350w on solar) when generating water.  Up to 450W if you want to cool the water as well.  The 15L runs on 350W (328W on solar) and the 60L 750W.
The units turn themself off when it is full, turning itself on again when someone uses it.  It also turns itself off if the humidity in the air gets below 30% – ie the point where the unit no longer efficient.

How often does the water get recirculated?

Once per day and uses 3 watts hour of power. It takes approx 15 Mins for a 30L and 5 mins for the 15L. So very small power usage.

How often do the filters need to be changed?

The Pre and Post Carbon filters need to be changed around every 4-6 months. The TCR filter every 12 months and the Reverse Osmosis filter every 2 years.

What is the noise level of an AWG?

About the same as your refrigerator.

How many UV lights are in an AWG?

UV lights: 3 in a 30L, 2 in a 15 L and 3 in a 60L

How long do UV lights last?

8200 operational hours or so. 2 years generally speaking, again depending on how much water is removed (used)

How do I know if a UV light needs replacing?

A light of a UV will go out when “UV” light fails on screen.

Do atmospheric water generators really work in Australia?

Yes. Any region that has humidity and heat. AWG’s are not designed for dry or cool climates. Below is a map of Australia that shows humid regions. In Queensland, Atmospheric water generators are best suited to coastal areas and less suited inland at places like Birdsville and Mount Isa.

Australia Humidity Map